End Slavery Ecuador
To share God’s redeeming love through relational ministry to those most vulnerable is our overarching goal. It is the core of who we are and what we do. We have several areas of focus: Casa Adalia (residential aftercare home), EsperanzArt (vocational training), Amadas (street outreach), and Caminos de Libertad (non-residential services).
As imperfect people who have experienced the transformation and hope of God’s redemption in our own lives, we are passionate about sharing this same hope with those who have no hope. Every sexually exploited young woman and every person at risk of being exploited is extraordinary because they have been created uniquely in God’s image. Our mission is to tangibly demonstrate real and costly love to these who are most vulnerable. Our deepest desire is that through experiencing unconditional and everyday love, they will desire to know the One who is the source of this love and start to believe they are precious and valuable, giving them hope and motivation to work for a positive and meaningful future.
God in His sweet mercy and love says, “I choose her! I want to pour my glory through her. She is to be my treasure and the jewel in my crown.”
“If she has a problem, even a small one, we want to be there to listen and encourage and help her make better decisions. This could make all the difference for her to remain free of the only life she knew, a life she lived without choice in order to survive.” -- Desiree Treur Zova