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End Slavery Ecuador


Vocational Training

Esperanza is hope in Spanish plus art.

EsperanzArt is a jewelry workshop for women in our programs. They learn vocational and life skills and it is a first step to future further employment.


The jewelry is created from natural seeds and tagua, a unique vegetable ivory produced in Ecuador. The women get paid for each piece that they make, which not only helps them economically but speaks a message that they can make money outside of the commercial sex industry. They learn job skills such as time management, how to interact with your boss, working hard and setting goals. Jewelry making can be very therapeutic and contribute to their healing process as well.


EsperazArt is sold in Ecuador, online and at events in the USA.


When a piece of jewelry is sold the money goes to:

- Paying the woman who made that piece

- Material costs

- End Slavery Ecuador expenses (food, medicines, counseling, education costs, etc). 

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